Source code for eml2png.eml2png

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import email
import logging
import os

import imgkit

WKHTMLTOIMAGE = os.getenv('WKHTMLTOIMAGE', '/usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_html_str_from_file(file_path, eml_str=None): """Get HTML part from EML file. Arguments: file_path ([str]): Input EML file Keyword Arguments: eml_str ([str]): EML string (default: None) Returns: [str]: EML HTML string """ html_str = '' body_html = [] body_text = [] body = [] email_msg = None if file_path and os.path.isfile(file_path): eml_str = open(file_path, 'r').read() if eml_str: email_msg = email.message_from_string(eml_str) if email_msg: # If message is multi part we only want the text version of the body, # this walks the message and gets the body. if email_msg.is_multipart(): for part in email_msg.walk(): if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html': body_html.append(part.get_payload(decode=True)) elif part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain': body_text.append(part.get_payload(decode=True)) body = body_html if len(body_html) > 0 else body_text else: body.append(email_msg.get_payload(decode=True)) html_str = '<br>'.join([b.decode('utf8') for b in body]) return html_str if 'html' in html_str else '<pre>{}</pre>'.format(html_str)
[docs]def to_png(file_path, html_str=None, config=None, options=None): """Paint the EML to a single PNG image. Arguments: file_path ([str]): EML file path Keyword Arguments: html_str ([str]): EML HTML string (default: None) config: imgkit config (default: None) options: imgkit options (default: None) Returns: [bytes]: a PNG byte string. """ if file_path and html_str is None: html_str = get_html_str_from_file(file_path) html_str = html_str if html_str else '' config = config if config else imgkit.config(wkhtmltoimage=WKHTMLTOIMAGE) options = options if options else { 'format': 'png', 'quiet': '', } return imgkit.from_string(html_str, False, config=config, options=options)